Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ads earning increases...

Ei,I've check my points/earnings in adsense and it increased.Thanks to you,yup you,for visiting my blogsite.I was enjoying this "blogging thing" and I'm earning.Enjoying and earning at the same time!I love it.lolz.

I stopped updating my other blogsite,where I first put my ads and since then my earning did change.And here I am again,blogging!

But this one is cool,I like it than my previous blog,here I can put images.

I just wish I will ear more point to finally have my token,it is just a $100.hehehe.

This post might encourage you have have a blog and have ads.Blogging and earning at the same time,$100 is good!so what are you waiting for have a blog and apply for ads,then put my blog site at your links...hehehe

Again,thanks a lot!!!=D

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