Thursday, February 14, 2008

Google's Valentines Day Logo

Google has a valentines logo,every occasions google has always make their logo in line with the occasion,such as new year,Christmas even their 9th year anniversary.

Google's logo for valentines strucks me.An old man and an old ladies walking holding hands etc...See image above.lolz.for me it shows that though your old there is nothing wrong in celebrating Valentines day.Even in simple ways.=D

And when I saw the logo,I wish my husband and I would reach the point of our life same as the two persons in the logo.What I really promised to my self before is that though my "future" husband (and now my husband.hehehe) would be the same as what we were like when we are still girlfriend/boyfriend,no matter what happen,no matter how many kids we have,no matter how many grand children we have and no matter what we look like after.And in that logo I can "us" in the future...=D

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