Friday, May 2, 2008

Long weekend turn to be long week of work...

This suppose to be a long weekend for most of our company's employees.But for our group and other groups,esp the SAP team this turns to be along week of work.Why long weekend?Thursday is a Holiday,Labor Day, Friday was declared as Company Leave and we don't have work on Saturdays and Sundays,supposedly.And why long week of work?Well because we need to go to work on Thursday through Sunday.=( This is for the Server Migration.actually we are not the one who will migrate the server but we will be support on the client us,well of course our team had gave some help for configuring the servers,since we are the owner of the old server.

We should cover 3 shifts,24hrs, A-shift is 6am t5o 2pm while B-Shift is 2pm to 10pm and C-shift will be 10pm to 6am of he following day.So here's the original plan,released last Friday(April 25,2008) :
A-Shift -> all the group member will be atPlant4;except for MLABA who will be in Plant1 alone.
B-Shift -> me and RBUEN
C-Shift -> BMANL and CKRAY

But last Wednesday the plan was change we might be having 3 days straight work,no going home from Thursday of 6am upto Saturday of 10pm.O_O

But again last night we were allowed to go home at 10pm but should be in the plant at 6am,So I only had 4hrs of sleep.We was allowed to go home becuase the other group is not yet done configuring some settings in the server and the Product Engrs will be in the site dor debugging or verifying today.~but I guess only a few PEs went~

It is now 7:37pm,but still announcement regarding the activities and start will be at 10pm.Obviously there is still no announcement from our boss if we will go home tonight or not...

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