I remembered that I still have pending promise (?) to you guys.that is to upload more pictures from our get together last July 07.Sorry for the late posting of this.It was Mhing who send me the picture late.hehehe.(sorry mhing,I'm being honest.lolz)
So here it is:

take by Mhing's cybershot camera phone.hehehe!BIG TIME.lolz

Another shot from mhing cool camera phone.(but k800 is cooler.hehehe)
I was browsing my previous blog,I got this just because I can put some ads here and to earn some extra money.hehehe.Going back,I've read this post and I remember what happened about this post.here's the entry:
"If you the title of this entry sounds very serious,well.....hehehe,it's up to you if its.hehehe Kid in heart?My husband?Many say that all of us are still a kid in heart,its just that we sometimes not letting it out.Some adult still buy/collect toys or stuffs that kids usually buys,such as toy car,robots,barbie dolls etc... They say that it is just their collections.But we have to admit that we buy those things because we are still a kid in heart,we don't buy those things only just because those are our collections.right? Anyway,this post is about my husband.He's in early 20's or almost at mid 20's.Last weekend we went to a "tiange" because I promise to buy him a pair of shorts since I got my salary that day too & he requested that.lolz.We are with my sister-in-law,a friend & a kid.There was this toy store where my husband saw a toy gun.(a m-16 miniature) & he asked for the price.the price of it was the same as the shorts that he bought there a few days before that day,250 pesos.So when he didn't saw the shorts that he wanted to buy & there are no shorts that fit what he want.(he's kinda choosy...lolz),He ask me to just buy the toy gun instead of the shorts if the sales lady would give it for 200 pesos. And to make the story short,we bought the toy gun.My sister-in-law & our other companions are laughing 'coz my husband was acting like a child that time.Until we when to the car he was checking & trying out the toy gun.... Even his mother laugh to him when she learned that we bought a toy gun.his friends too laugh but eventually others when home get their own toy gun.hahaha.His father reacton?Well he found a "kakampi"hehehe. Though my husband said that we would just display it in the house & if our baby would be a boy,he will give it.I believe that he still is a kid in heart...."
In the last line,i said he said that if our baby is a boy he will give the toy to the baby.But unfortunately we have a baby girl.hahahaha.
Wait a minute,wonder where is the gun right now?He told me that he keep it...hmmmm (~_~)?
I've watched this movie yesterday with my hubby.This is one funny,but I think Bruce Almighty is funnier.hehehe. But it was also a good film.I haven't focus on the first part of the movie because I was looking over my baby.Anyways,one lesson I learned from this film is that you should have faith in your partner,in your family and most esp. with God.Even the whole world is against you.
This movie will be included in my list of fave movie...hehehe.I like movie talking about family and parenting,such as Big Daddy,Click etc...
Is this some kind a "palusot"?hehehe...
No this is not,this is a sort of updating you guys and letting you know what happened to in those days that I haven't got the chance to post.
First reason is that the day my baby celebrates her 5th month is also the day that we had a server problem at work.(more information about this at my other blog www.engrjhanok.blogspot.com *if it still not there,I'm sorry.I did update this blog first before that blog.tnx*).We've been busy about that problem for more a week.
Second reason is that after the server trouble,I've been on EL (Emergency Leave) for 3 days because my baby got sick.She been at the hospital for 1 1/2 days and still needs to be observed for a days.So the 5 days of work a week became 2 days.
Of course after the 3 days of absence I need to be calibrated of what happened of those days that I was gone and need to work on things that I left or things I should be doing when I'm on leave.
We still have issues at work and task to do.That's why I don't have enough time to browse the net and update my blogs..
It's almost time to go home...see Don't much time to input some event about me.hehehe
As promised here's her pictures.Her daddy took those pix...
Wazz up?Its been half a month my last post and I remember that I have a promise to post my baby's picture during her 5th month.Sorry...Been to a lot this past few week,in work,with my baby etc..
Anyway,I'm back.I have lots of things to say and post,here and to my other blog, www.engrjhanok.blogspot.com
I'm gonna cut this post now and create another one,and another and another.hehehe