This was the first time my daughter experience trick or treat.We brought her to SM Bacoor for this event,for her to experience it.
Her costume?A Fairy.Her original costume supposed to be a fairy too but using her Ate LJ's old costume,the wing,a headband,a net like skirt and a wand the set were in pink.But my Mother had my aunt make the gown,it was based on my cousin's old costume which she wore years ago in the states,my mother got a picture of her wearing that and used it.So we used the gown,her head band I bought few months ago but was changed to a new one I bought the same day at SM(the violet flower like head band),the old wings,a knee lenght stockings and I bought her a basket for the candies.For you to figure it out how my daughter look like,here's the picture.hehehe

She had a good time...=D