Today(07/27/07;Phils time) my angel celebrates her 5th month.hehehe.Yeah you heard me right.she is now 5 months.It was like yesterday when I learned that I was pregnant with her.And I gave birth to her...
Unfortunately,I still don't have her picture on her 5th month,but I promise to post it in the near future,on Monday!hehehe.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Angela playing with the ducks

We spend our weekend at my parent's place (my place too.hehehe)And before going to my in-laws' place the picture above shows what my baby does last weekend.hehehe.Angela wants to grab the ducks,She's "nanggigigil" with them.BTW,it's my mother and brother in the picture.If you want to see more about this scenario,watch the video at my tagged account (
My angel is so adorable even though she doesn't have that much hair.lolz.She will be turning 5months on friday.Time runs really fast..It was like yesterday she was still in my womb,moving.hehehe!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Ads earning increases...
Ei,I've check my points/earnings in adsense and it increased.Thanks to you,yup you,for visiting my blogsite.I was enjoying this "blogging thing" and I'm earning.Enjoying and earning at the same time!I love it.lolz.
I stopped updating my other blogsite,where I first put my ads and since then my earning did change.And here I am again,blogging!
But this one is cool,I like it than my previous blog,here I can put images.
I just wish I will ear more point to finally have my token,it is just a $100.hehehe.
This post might encourage you have have a blog and have ads.Blogging and earning at the same time,$100 is good!so what are you waiting for have a blog and apply for ads,then put my blog site at your links...hehehe
Again,thanks a lot!!!=D
I stopped updating my other blogsite,where I first put my ads and since then my earning did change.And here I am again,blogging!
But this one is cool,I like it than my previous blog,here I can put images.
I just wish I will ear more point to finally have my token,it is just a $100.hehehe.
This post might encourage you have have a blog and have ads.Blogging and earning at the same time,$100 is good!so what are you waiting for have a blog and apply for ads,then put my blog site at your links...hehehe
Again,thanks a lot!!!=D
Bus Stop?

Anyways,going back to the picture,I remember college days again when I will go to school.This is our unloading point,this is a sign of the start of a whole day of studying,lessons/lectures,experiments,chatting,food trippings etc...
I just missed James at this pix,wonder where he could be that time?lolz.James is the unpaid/volunteer (whatever!hehehe) traffic enforcer at our school.Students,mostly boys,used to tease him "James Supot",even PUV drivers tease him and he will get angry.hehehe.
My angel and I
This is,obviously,me and my daughter Angela.We don't look a like right?That is because she looks more like her dad.I always forgot to scan her dad's pix when he is still a baby,they are really look the same,Xerox copy!lolz.
She's love pictures!you can see in this picture,she is looking at the camera.hehehe."mana sa mommy"lolz.BTW,this picture was taken,I think, at my kuya's room.With LJ's pillow,my birthday gift to her.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
FoR SiNGLeZ...No MoRe

We all been through a lot,but we manage to keep our friendship.We have lots of happy moments but we also have some "crying moment" open forums.
I miss being with them,going home after school,waiting for each other for some school activities,eating with them,"tambay"with them,chatting with them everything!!!
There's a lot of stories to tell about them,But one thing I would like to share with you is that this group of one of the best thing that I have,a God's blessing.Misunderstanding comes our way but we still find way to resolve it,sometimes we don't talk about it then suddenly everything will just fine.
This friendship is one that I would treasure for the rest of my life and maybe until the next life(exag!hehehe)
Miss you guys and hope to see you guys again real soon.God Bless and love yah all!muwaaahhh

We had a very great time doing our project!had lots of activities,such as foodtrippings,"inuman" session (only once),picture taking(using the project),Video coverage of eating balot,sleeping while on the seminar about the project,Manila trip and malling for our attire etc...And who would forget the encounter with a ghost.*scared* I would also won't forget the times eating with them,the red rice, salted eggs with tomatoes,tocino and fried chicken (courtesy of papa Jhun).Times of food trippings,Ice creams,dalandan,balot etc...Wait,I think I'm talking a lot about foods.hehehe.
I also remember our routine while doing our project,be at Glad's place at around 2pm,stay up to 3am awake,wake up at around 7am eat breakfast,take a bath and will be going home,and e back again in the afternoon.hahaha.I miss it!
Who would also forgot Jao,Glad's pet dog.*scared again*lolz. He's the reason why we called Ronnel "Bay Takas"hehehe.He jump out the fence around the terrace to get his shirt in his Motorcycle,he jump because he was scared to be bitten by jao.hahaha.We evan have our tour in Milan!(remember nhel?hehehe)>And "Eseng" the official service/owner or the group.We're like sardines!hehehe
We also joint the caroling activity of our batch to raise some money for our expenses for our projects.And it was really fun,every night we have a representative from our group.We even went to one of our prof's house to sing some Christmas carols.Favorite songs are Christmas in our hearts and 12 days of Christmas.hehehe.
Two or more days before our defense move from Glad's house to Jeff's.Where we never stop in food trippings.hehehe.Jao is out,but this time we have Kuku *more scared*,jeff's "terror look" dog.We still had good times doing our project at Jeff's place (and the free meryenda!hehehe).
During the defense we did our best to make it successful and thank God it came out good!We even got the award for best design project/best group!But that's not only the best thing happened to our group...You know what?It's the friendship that we established!We are all Computer Engineering students but from different group of friends,but when we had this project we become another group of friends.Making this project become our chance to get to more each other well.The bonding we had make this group become closer.And that's one thing I treasure up to now and until I grow old.That's one thing I won't forget about my college life,I thing that i miss so much!
Ei,ViTech Friends any reunion for the group?lolzWhat happen to our outing plan.hehehe
Hope all of you guys are happy with your life right now,like me!God Bless and more blessing!
My Blog Entry can not be read...=(
I already have more 10 post when I was informed that they can not read my blog entry...
When I was viewing my blog it fine I even view it at my cousin's PC to check it and it was also readable.Now I don't what might be wrong with it.
BTW,can you read this?lolz
When I was viewing my blog it fine I even view it at my cousin's PC to check it and it was also readable.Now I don't what might be wrong with it.
BTW,can you read this?lolz
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Moving to our Storage Room
As the title says "Moving to our storage room"Our group requested a room for our spares,Softwares/installers etc... And We are now in the process of putting our things in the room and it was really hard!!!Considering the storage room is almost 50 feet away from the computer room.We need to move the drawers with things inside and it is not a joke.I just had my operation last February when I gave birth and I am still not allowed to carry heavy things.While my companion just had her menstruation and as far as I know It is also not safe for her to carry heavy things...Thank God we still have another group mate who helped us.
It was really a tiring task!And as of this writing,we are not yet finish with it.Just had a break and had a chance to post about this task.
It was really a tiring task!And as of this writing,we are not yet finish with it.Just had a break and had a chance to post about this task.
Monday, July 9, 2007
PBA in Baste!2004
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Tres Mujeres...hehehe

This is the tres mujeres,according to our classmates.lolz. We started to become friends when we are freshmen taking up BS Computer Engineering,that was year 2000.Until now we still have the things "friendship" and we will keep it until we grow old.right Nene and Lenie?hehehe.We been through a lot,good times and bad times,laughs and cries.
BTW,The first picture was taken at a studio (obviously!hehehe).It was unplanned.It was when we are already at our 2nd year,1st sem to be specific,so that was 2001.We all look natural at that pix,no make up or any "kaartehan"hehehe.
The second picture was taken during our recollection,we are also 2nd year year that time also during the 1st sem of school year 2001-2002,Oct 2001.It was taken in a retreat/recollection house in Tagaytay City.The bus at back is the school's bus.
The last picture was taken during my debut party(but I was wearing black.lolz)We are still 2nd year during that time,but at the 2nd sem.It was taken February 9,2002 to be exact.hehehe.They just had their practice for the field demo.hehehe
I miss being with them,and with the rest of the singlez (no more!).
Stolen shot
Get together (07-07-07)
Hello there.The get together we plan was successful,but unfortunately only two of my friends are able to come.Ming and Lenie.It was really fun!We talked and talked and talked about everything,but most of the topics we had is about our college life,things we used to do before,"kalokohans",malling and some funny incidents happens,problems encountered during those days,projects,laugh trips,food trip etc...They went home almost 10:30pm last Saturday.Imagine that chatting from I think 5:30pm up to 10:30 PM?
And of course my baby became a "star of the night" for awhile.hihihi... they both carry their "inaanak."
By the way,the picture above was taken that night.This was taken before they go home...A bit serious in this pix.hehehe
More pix to be uploaded...
Thursday, July 5, 2007
We were asked to attend a "training" this morning.We were always reminded about it for so many times by the admin assistant and even our boss remind us.The schedule is MWF 9am-11am and 1pm-3pm.So together with my group mates we decided to attend this morning,(9am-11am session).
So we when at the venue,venue was changed,from auditorium to a training room.We were expecting that there would be discussion,chatting,lectures and stuffs.But when we read the household rules,no.1 was fine,turn off the cellphone,which in some training really requires,But when we read that "scientific calculators are allow"WHAT?Then the "trainer" says that he will give us scratch papers for computations and we will also need to pass.Then we realized that it is not a training it is an exam.Technical/Engineer's Assessment.DAMN!
And what really shocking is that we don't have knowledge about the topics in the exam,yeah sort of but can you imagine,one of the topic was given to us during general orientation,that was almost 2 years and 2 months ago.Some topics are given during our trainings when I was still a Cadet Engineer and some are not yet given to us.Not to mention our new group mate who just started last week.
So we when at the venue,venue was changed,from auditorium to a training room.We were expecting that there would be discussion,chatting,lectures and stuffs.But when we read the household rules,no.1 was fine,turn off the cellphone,which in some training really requires,But when we read that "scientific calculators are allow"WHAT?Then the "trainer" says that he will give us scratch papers for computations and we will also need to pass.Then we realized that it is not a training it is an exam.Technical/Engineer's Assessment.DAMN!
And what really shocking is that we don't have knowledge about the topics in the exam,yeah sort of but can you imagine,one of the topic was given to us during general orientation,that was almost 2 years and 2 months ago.Some topics are given during our trainings when I was still a Cadet Engineer and some are not yet given to us.Not to mention our new group mate who just started last week.
Not our responsibility....
This morning a Product Engineer or PE for short went to our room,server/computer room,to get the new tester's PC.The PC is for the upgrade of the testers.I been working with this since I was still preggy.I expect that when I get back from my ML (Maternity Leave) the project is done, the PCs were deployed.But It wasn't.So until now I'm still hooked up with it.
The project was planned without us knowing it,then action items are sent to us.Install softwares,network configuration etc...Where would you find a project planned without the persons who will do almost everything about the softwares or the PC?Only in Amkor and we are world class.LoLz
Going back,so the PE got the PC and tried it again in the production.Their test application programs,lower version,can't load or open in the dual core PC.I told him before that the program might have a requirement that it will only run with a PC with lower spec,not with a higher spec such the dual core.So after an hour or two I receive an email from him saying the program won't load even the higher version.And worst he used this line " I believe they were already running before."WTF!What he is trying say?That we destroy it.DAMN!He's the one responsible for the Application program.He should be the one to troubleshoot it because he is more educated about that than us.Installing the application is also their duty,but our previous boss is so kind to accept the installation and now it become a culture here.But PEs are really the responsible persons for that,NOT US!
The project was planned without us knowing it,then action items are sent to us.Install softwares,network configuration etc...Where would you find a project planned without the persons who will do almost everything about the softwares or the PC?Only in Amkor and we are world class.LoLz
Going back,so the PE got the PC and tried it again in the production.Their test application programs,lower version,can't load or open in the dual core PC.I told him before that the program might have a requirement that it will only run with a PC with lower spec,not with a higher spec such the dual core.So after an hour or two I receive an email from him saying the program won't load even the higher version.And worst he used this line " I believe they were already running before."WTF!What he is trying say?That we destroy it.DAMN!He's the one responsible for the Application program.He should be the one to troubleshoot it because he is more educated about that than us.Installing the application is also their duty,but our previous boss is so kind to accept the installation and now it become a culture here.But PEs are really the responsible persons for that,NOT US!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
My niece and me

The little girl with me is my niece (the title says it.lolz).This picture shows one of many "kulitan moments" we had...And I really miss those day..=(
BTW, her name is LJ.She is now 3 years old.Very "machulit" but intelligent kid.I love her so much and she loves her cousin so much.She love watching movies,such as baby's day out,cinderella,snow white,lilo and stitch etc...
BTW, her name is LJ.She is now 3 years old.Very "machulit" but intelligent kid.I love her so much and she loves her cousin so much.She love watching movies,such as baby's day out,cinderella,snow white,lilo and stitch etc...
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Nipa Hut at Villa Escudero
Network configuration for LINUX Red Hat
Had handled LINUX Red Hat tester's PC for the first...
We need to configure it to have a network connect,too have a connection with our server.
Oh my gosh!Haven't been tried or done that.Luckily "kuya Google" is there.hehehe.
After some searching and browsing,got some articles that would help us.
We tried every instruction we got from the net and thank God.WE DID IT.
BTW, I'm with our new group mate,a cadet engineer.
The PC was handled by one of our senior (based on position)day before we handle it and the only thing that we did is add the default gateway in the item that she did.
But there's another problem,after she mapped it to our server she is having a problem in transferring the files,6gb files. tar command was unable to do it,and i think even dump,because our server is UNIX and they have complict in OS/commands she was no able to exact the files....
But our job is done....heheheh
We need to configure it to have a network connect,too have a connection with our server.
Oh my gosh!Haven't been tried or done that.Luckily "kuya Google" is there.hehehe.
After some searching and browsing,got some articles that would help us.
We tried every instruction we got from the net and thank God.WE DID IT.
BTW, I'm with our new group mate,a cadet engineer.
The PC was handled by one of our senior (based on position)day before we handle it and the only thing that we did is add the default gateway in the item that she did.
But there's another problem,after she mapped it to our server she is having a problem in transferring the files,6gb files. tar command was unable to do it,and i think even dump,because our server is UNIX and they have complict in OS/commands she was no able to exact the files....
But our job is done....heheheh
Monday, July 2, 2007
my "tagged" account
Hello there...Been tagged by my friends before and I just ignore it...
But this morning when I open my email,I was tagged again by my friend and I don't know why i signed up for this...hehehe.
Anyways,as I was browsing the site I found out that I can upload videos,in any file format ( in my case I upload a 3gp file).Which is very useful for to share my angel's video to my friends and relatives abroad.'Coz i've been having problems in my video converter that's why I can send video/es to them because they might not have a 3gp player.
As of this writing I am still browsing and doing my profile...
Here's my tagged url:
But this morning when I open my email,I was tagged again by my friend and I don't know why i signed up for this...hehehe.
Anyways,as I was browsing the site I found out that I can upload videos,in any file format ( in my case I upload a 3gp file).Which is very useful for to share my angel's video to my friends and relatives abroad.'Coz i've been having problems in my video converter that's why I can send video/es to them because they might not have a 3gp player.
As of this writing I am still browsing and doing my profile...
Here's my tagged url:
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Get together
In my previous post,been talking about me missing college life,my friends.Good thing we have Ming to organize a get together this coming weekend,can't wait.Hihihi.I bet this is gonna be a good one,we'll have lots of stories to tell,lots of things to talk to and a lot of things to laugh with...
One sad thing is not all of my friends are gonna come,because one of them is at Japan right now and others might not come.=( But We already accept the fact that changes really happen,on our case it was for the best... ='(
Some things are really not meant to be forever,changes occur to make us better persons.
That's life,we prepare for something that we believe that is best for us though we all know that there would also some sacrifices,even being away with persons you used to be with and become a big part...your friends....
One sad thing is not all of my friends are gonna come,because one of them is at Japan right now and others might not come.=( But We already accept the fact that changes really happen,on our case it was for the best... ='(
Some things are really not meant to be forever,changes occur to make us better persons.
That's life,we prepare for something that we believe that is best for us though we all know that there would also some sacrifices,even being away with persons you used to be with and become a big part...your friends....
Missing college life...

Anyway,just missing the good old college days and mah college friends...='( How I wish I could go back to those times when we are together,laughing and having a good time...But changes happens...
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