This picture was taken last Dec.01,2004 at our school,former school,before going to our retreat house at Tagaytay City.With the Singlez (mo more) and Jeff at the side... One of my friend is missing in the pix coz she wasn't able to join us...=(
Anyway,just missing the good old college days and mah college friends...='( How I wish I could go back to those times when we are together,laughing and having a good time...But changes happens...
~a SiMPLe GaL WHo DReaMS To HaVe a HaPPY FaMiLY aND i'M LiViNG iT uP WiTH MY HuBBY aND MY aNGeL.i'M a VioLeT aDDiCt,LoVeS CHoCoLaTeS aND MoSt eSPeCially LoVeS MY FaMiLY...So MuCH
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